Sponsorship Levels
Soaring Kidz is honored to be partnering with community sponsors such as you and your company. Below are details concerning this year’s opportunities and sponsorship levels.
$5,000 - Gold Medal Sponsor:
15 Tickets to our Night of Champions benefit.
Your contribution pays for approximately 50 special needs children to play at least one full season of sports with no additional expenses to their family.
Opportunity to set up a booth & speak at the benefit event about your organization.
Priority video exposure / interview for our Night of Champions video.
Largest exposure on all marketing materials, on the Soaring Kidz website, social media and all of our email correspondence to all the families and volunteer’s year around.
Have only your company logo on the Soaring Kidz jerseys for one of our 6 week sporting seasons.
$2,500- Silver Medal Sponsor:
10 Tickets to our Night of Champions benefit.
Your contribution pays for approximately 25 special needs children to play at least one full season of sports with no additional expenses to their family.
Honorable mention at our Night of Champions benefit
Medium size logo on all marketing materials, on the Soaring Kidz website, social media
and all of our email correspondence to all the families and volunteers.
$1000- Bronze Medal Sponsors
5 Tickets to our Night of Champions benefit.
Your contribution pays for approximately 12 special needs children to play at least one full season of sports with no additional expenses to their family.
Honorable mention at our Night of Champions benefit
Small size logo on all marketing materials, on the Soaring Kidz website, social media
and all of our email correspondence to all the families and volunteer’s year around.
$500- Soaring Sponsors:
2 Tickets to our Night of Champions benefit.
Your contribution pays for approximately 6 special needs children to play at least one full season of sports with no additional expenses to their family.
Honorable mention at our Night of Champions benefit
Note that additional tickets to our “Night of Champions” benefit event may be purchased for $50
Soaring Kidz is also currently seeking partners to donate items and services for the celebration’s Silent Auction and any gifts to our cause will be greatly appreciated. We hope you will consider joining us in this endeavor. Donated items, gift cards, and service vouchers are tax deductible, and donor names will be included on the auction form. Items can be donated directly to the representatives noted below or via alternative arrangements.
To receive the full benefits of our enclosed opportunities such as being listed on all fliers, we suggest that all contributions be arranged before February 15th, 2017 with one of our representatives. We at Soaring Kidz look forward to working with you.